Coding Period: Week 4 June 28 To July 4
Stage - 1 Assessments Capture, fetching list of babies from dhis2, User Profile Screen functionality
Stage 1 Assessments Capture Functionality
- Fetching & Capturing Stage - 1 Assessments , with this feature user is able to view the captured assessments & also capture the assessments and push the data to DHIS2.
- This works offline also, data is sent to server when user refreshes on having internet next time
- Created a BLoC to handle assessments
- Created Stage - 1 model class which parses and converts to JSON format for parsing and converting data
- added required ID’s in static variables in dhis2_config.dart file
- created a client to send data, created a repository to handle data from client
Fetching list of babies enrolled in program
- Created a BLoC for fetching list of babies enrolled in a program
- Creating a client & repository class for fetching & saving data locally
- Sorting the list by time to categorize recently & past registered babies
- On Tap of baby list item the app opens assessments screen & start fetching assessments
- List item color changes with classification of baby - Danger (Red), Problem (Yellow), Normal (Green)
User Profile Screen Functionality
- Fetching list of users notification from dhis2
- saving data in hive storage after fetching item
- fetching & displaying the notification date & time for each notification
Localized strings in assessments phases UI
- All strings used in assessments phases UI are now localized
- localized strings are saved in app_en.arb file
What progress have you made this week?
- Implemented User Profile Screen functionality
- Implemented fetching list of babies from dhis2 & displaying in screen
- Cache the data after fetching from dhis2
- localized strings in assessments phase
- Phase 1 assessments capturing functionality
What do I plan to do next week?
- Phase - 2, 3, 4 assessments capturing functionality
- Adding Search, Sort Functionality in List Of Babies screen
- Adding sort functionality , settings UI, activity logs in profile screen
- Update functionality in profile screen