Working on Compare Hospitals List Screen

I have use medicare Open Data API to fetch hospitals statewise available for comparision. After fetching I am displaying it as list of Strings with compare button which is a boolean.

User can select 2 hospitals to compare , I have added snackbar to show if user has selected more than 2 hospitals



Worked on Compare Hospital Screen

This Screen compares two hospitals, Again I have used medicare API, I am calling GET Request two times one for each hospital.




Search Functionality in View CDM Screen

Used SearchDelegate provided by flutter, I have created search functionality using it. This will query database & will get results & show it to user.



What do I plan to do next week?

  1. Working on Share App, About, Report a bug, Screens

  2. Writing Readme of App

  3. Using Flutter Cache Manager to store CDM while downloading

  4. Writing Unit Test of Home Screen