Coding Period: Week 7
Processed CDM of Caliornia,Showed Progress while downloading CDM
Showing Progress Indicator while downloading CDM
The progress indicator shows percent 0-60 for downloading CDM, Rest of 60-100 percent are used for inserting downloaded large CSV to SQL Database in App
This task was really challenging for me, it involves a lot of state change & also I first have to get original file size using GitLab API.
I have used BLoC Architecture properly for handling states of progress indicator.
Color of progress indicator change from red-orange-green.
Working on Gitlab CI Pipeline
I was able to successfully install chromedriver & chromebrowser on Linux CI, but it was not working earlier because there was no display in CI terminal for bowser to display, I was getting an excaption, After searching a lot on StackOverFlow , I found a solution to use pyvirtualdisplay & now it is working correctly.
The CI Pipeline Scraps CDM & make a "Data" directory which contains CDM & after running "" it makes "CDM" directory which contains CDM in proper columns.
Making Process Scripts for California Hospitals
There are around 370 hospitals in california, Till now I have completed process script of around 250 Hospitals, for rest work I will surely complete by tomorrow.
This task is very time consuming & also boring, I have to check column names, rows to skip in each CDM.
I will create its MR by tomorrow.
View CDM Statewise Screen
This task is pending from last week, I will complete it in this weekend , I just have to get available states using Gitlab API, & then show the data in list view, Opening each state will work as "View CDM Screen" which is already created. So, this will done by tomorrow.
What do I plan to do next week?
For Web Scraper
1.Scraping & making process script for following data.
Inpatient Data of 3000 Hospitals
Outpatient Data of Hospitals
For App
1.Completing view CDM Statewise screen.
2.Working on Compare Hospitals Functionality of App