Coding Period: Week 4
Worked on new tab in bottom Navigation & Scraped CDM of New york
Working on Download CDM Tab in Bottom Navigation
Created a new tab in bottom Navigation which will display all the hospitals in current state of user. I have used GitLab Repository API.
Small Problem
I have faced small problem while fetching data from API, I can get maximum of 100 Hospitals data by calling API, which is the limitation of GitLab API.
So, I have to call API as many times in App till all hospitals data is fetched, I am fetching total number of pages in first call then calling API as many times the total number of pages & getting data of 100 hospitals each time.
Screen UI
Saving CDM to SQL Database
I will download csv of each file from GitLab API, I will save it SQL Database in App, Currently I am working on this feature, I have to manage a lot of states in App, I am using BLoC Architecture to do this, I have made DAO [ Data Access Object ] file for it , to do this in cleaner way.
Displaying CDM
When user will click on download button of any list item, View button will appear, I am working on this & will display CDM as list on new Screen, I will complete this by Sunday.
Scraping CDM of New York State
Currently, I am working on this, I have to make spider file for it which will get data from New York State Health Department, I have done making process script which will parse data to proper column names. This Data is provided by OSHPD New York Department.
What do I plan to do next week?
- Working on Search Screen & Saved screen backend
- Scraping CDM of California State